1. Bustle and Bows - I love this shop, it's small, intimate and has lots of embroidery stuff, including smocking equipments, patterns and A-Z book series. The shop keepers were all very nice and helpful. I wish they have more of this type of shop, here in Melbourne. I bought the pattern to a very cute smocking-embroidery dress for my Misfits :).

2. Amitie - I've died...and gone to fabric haven :) at least the one in Melbourne :). They stock a lot of fabric range! Including those exciting Japanese fabrics!! Even more than the one at Addicted to Fabric...mmm or maybe the same? hard to tell...I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE their quilt displays! They make me want to start (I mean..try) quilting again.

3. Ink and Spindle - Oooooo how wonderful it felt when I finally got to see my fabrics...my beautiful fabrics by Lara Cameron. A wonderful person, a talented designer and a groovy studio :). Would definitely be coming over again in the future to pick up more wonderful fabrics :p

Oh my.....how I WOULD die and go to heaven in those shops. I have nothing nearby that even comes close ;( I must go traveling soon!