We've finally found Kiddy Land in Harajuku/Shibuya! And I've finally found one of those tapping disney toys for misfits! They're quite expensive! and Made in China :( I'm sure they have these in Hong Kong at half the price...each of it costs around 2000 yen, about USD 22....I got 4 and misfit asked where's goofy? ooops...Mommy left goofy...I guess we have to go back there again and get goofy...I found a bunch of useless cute things there hahahaha...Outside Kiddy Land, there's hello kitty cake...forgot what's it called? I love the cream cheese one...yummy :)...From there, we went back to Shinjuku station and had our dinner and went back home...where I finally able to submerged my tired body in the warm tub :D. I am BEAT....nitey nite all :)

i'm so so jealous! seriously, tears came to my eyes!! i can't believe myself. thanks for sharing. the photos are great insights. you seem to know where to go! :)