Monday, June 21, 2010

i was so happy yesterday

VERY happy, see, my parents finally got back from the US of A :) (they attended my sister's graduation at RISD).  So, I've been sending a lot of things to my sister...for my parents to take home hehehehehehe....They were almost overweight :D...oops

These are some goodies I won from heart of light through Liam, aren't they just pretty?! :)

Then, I ordered these pencils after reading Amesh's blog and ordered some from Oriental Trading, in time for Big M and Small M's goody bags :)

Then, to my surprise, my wonderful cousin in law in Alaska gave me these beautiful and cute sewing kits :)! Thank you, Donna :)

I ordered a few wonderful books :) so happy!!! I found a little piggy drawing, but am not sure where that came from???

Annnndddd...the highlight was this coooool cutting machine!! A Silhouette SD!!!! Now I need more time to do my (new) crafts :D

There are more to some of the wonderful things I got from Target (Liberty for Target!)


  1. digital cutting toolnya buat motong apa ya mba?

  2. those pencils are just awesome arent they??

  3. hi Lia, may i ask where you purchase the books, especially 'modern embroidery' ike rosen? :)
    i did think it was quite rare to get online....

  4. buku-buku itu bikin penasaran nih
    aku pernah liat yang jual online tapi dimana ya?

  5. envying the silhouette sd!! >.< They do ship to Jakarta? How much did the chipping cost?

  6. yeah.. im envying the silhouette sd too >_<



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