Monday, December 20, 2010

baby bag: take 2

I thought I was never going to make another baby bag :)...but I got another order that was hard to refuse, since she's a really sweet friend of mine ;).  However, this second time around wasn't as bad and it was actually quite fun :).  It's for a new baby girl :).  I've tried taking some pics of the many steps, but there are just waaaay too many steps and somewhere in the middle of making it I've lost track...and sewing pvc fabric is not exactly "fun" too...I hate sewing pvc/plastic fabrics...they're soooo hard!  But alas, it is done and I am satisfied ;).



  1. Hi Lia
    I found your page when I was googling for fabric stores in Mayestik and totally love your stuff! You are really talented. I live in Jakarta and like you, am also a fabric junky.

    Of course, I started reading all your older posts coz everything was so pretty and sweet - and came to a post in 2009 when you wrote about getting some really cute batik fabrics. Really love the fabrics, and am wondering if you could share where you got them from? I'm a batik addict and just love collecting nice quirky pieces. Would be great to know where you got them from?

    Thanks so much!



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