Thursday, March 31, 2011

tip: homework pleaser

I have to admit, there's no way I'm a patient Mum...for the past few days, I've been teaching big M how to read and write alphabets (in phonics-I learned it through youtube) and letters...but my temper towards her had been very very fowl and her not concentrating did not help improve anything.  Basically, am not a patient Mum :( .... so, I was figuring out a way to make her study!  I've tried giving stickers but that didn't last long...finally, I thought stamps would take her fancy and they actually did work...for a day, at least :) is still very hard to make her concentrate even now :@, so I've been taking her to the office after school when she has no extra lessons :)...any tips would be much appreciated 

I made some stamps of her favorite characters to keep her motivated

I guess more stamps are needed :D



  1. terima kasih tipsnya mba. bingung soalnya kl ngajarin anak kecil kl anaknya ga semangat belajar ;)

  2. Stamps or stickers are nice, but it would be nicer to collect 5 (at the beginnig) or more stamps to get a small prize - a short break to play her favourite toy or when she would get more stamps the prize could be watching short cartoon or go for a walk, but in this case you should put the stickers on only one per page.
    You could also use timer - for example fifteen minutes of writing, then fifteen minutes playing.


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