It is finally out! I was sitting on my table and I saw this strage package...and I wasn't expecting any :D...then I got excited....and yes...the Book is out! Seaside Home is finally out! Yay yay yay...I've been waiting for a year for this book :D and I am truly HAPPY....I got 2 copies, since I haven't got the time to order extras and I'm giving away 1 book to my beloved readers :). I love the projects in this book, done by so many talented crafters...and I certainly am proud to be given this, thank you Susanne, for including me in this.
Now, to win this book, simply leave a comment saying what animal do you like for 2012 and why. Don't forget to leave your email address!!! I'll close this competition on Friday, 23rd of March 2012.
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Seaside Home |
Oh I love books! The cover of this looks so inviting, makes me want to read! Its nice!
ReplyDeleteWhat animal, well, I love my dogs, but right now
I am loving all the birds I am seeing on fabrics, jewelry charms, little stuffies. I am so smitten with them. Can't get enough! What about you? Whats your favorite??
gramiekins @ yahoo. com
mmmmm I'd say I love sausage dogs :D hahahahhaa
Deletesalam kenal :)
ReplyDeletesaya suka banyak binatang, angsa, panda, ikan paus, tetapi tidak kucing :)
kalau sekarang saya suka ikan, karena mudah untuk digambar, dan tidak terlalu sulit jika ingin dibuat menjadi barang tertentu :)
email address :
i love this book !!
ReplyDeletei'm dolphin lover,
Dolphins, like you and me, are mammals. They have teeth, are warm-blooded, have a four-chambered heart, and nurse their young from mamma glands
What about you??
I'm in! hehe..lately i'm crazy about giraffe, i've been drawing it everywhere, on notebook, birthday card, love the spots!
congratulation first for the book mbak liaaa :)
ReplyDeletei'm in yaaa :)
for this 2012 i will say i loooooveee foxy :)
aku suka buku,sebenarnya semua binatang aku suka,kyk ikan,burung hantu,atau kelinci,tp lebih suka kupu-kupu,krn bs dijadikan hiasan dan berkrasi dengan bentuk dan corak sayapnya......
absolutely most wanted book... ^^
ReplyDeleterecently, I adore fox so much.
Congratulations, Lia! Your awesome seahorse pattern totally deserves to be in a book!
ReplyDeleteI love cats at the moment as I just designed a new softy and people seem to really like it which makes me very happpy!
i'm in love with elephant. I think it's a really cute animal! Oh, i also loves OWL~
Hmm... animal i like on 2012? i like a little turtle, coz easy and slow, just like me...^_^
Mba Lia aku ikutan ya.
ReplyDeleteFor 2012 I like a goose because it is so elegant.
I like many animals, but the most i like is cat. sometimes i can tell about my daily to my cat, and i think the cat can understand it and i felt comfortable. like a crazy person ahahah;D
Yay! Congrats Lia! So proud and happy for you ^_^
ReplyDeleteI like butterflies because they're pretty and (the wings) have many variations in colors and shapes.
waaa.. bukunya kereen, aku paling suka kucing soalnya lembut dan elastis *kayak karet hehe..
ReplyDeleteeugeniagina at yahoo dot com
hadeeeeeer! hahaha kepengen baca bukumu liiiii.. animal of 2012? i'd say octopus soalnya yuara suka banget bentuknya :))
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the book! I love dragonflies - so beautiful and so many variations.
ReplyDeletei love cats. they are so cute and friendly... really nice.
sy suka burung pipit, karena si mungil ini sering masuk ke dapur kami untuk mencari sisa sarapan pagi di bak cucian piring yg belum sempat saya cuci.
ReplyDeleteselamat atas bukunya mba.
wahh mau bukunyaa..btw selamat yahh ^_^
ReplyDeleteuntuk binatang pilihan jatuh ke flamingo,
karena pink-genit-tapi terlihat elegan ;)
selamat ya bukunya liaaa *hug! gimana kalo scorpion??? krn anakku suka kekeuh kalo scorpion sama ama udang.. hahaha^^ ga bisa bedainnya:)
ReplyDeleteikutan ah ^^
ReplyDeleteAku suka banget sama kelinci, anjing, kucing dan kupu-kupu. Apalagi kalau dijadiin aplikasi atau bikin bantal bentuk salah satu binatang itu. Blog mba lia bikin aku mau lebih rajin bikin craft yg ga cuman tas doang hehe ^0^
I loved fish especially ocean fish! I think I loved their colors..wonderful...
ReplyDeleteThanks! :)
pengen bgt bukunyaaa.. animal for 2012, i'd say deer. it's simply cute & elegant and also looks pretty to see it on fabric
ReplyDeleteEmail :
Mau banget bukunya.... Favorite animalku elephant, dengan bentuk yg bulat dan ekpresi yg cute....
ReplyDeleteEmail :
i love butterfly, because their metamorphosis are wonderful :D
ReplyDeletethank you, mbak lia :)
what a charming book! bangga bgt ya ada indonesian crafter jd salah satu contributornya :D
ReplyDeletemy fave animal is sparrow. so elegant and minimalist.
thx lia
gorgeous book! n I can see a beautiful mermaid on it :D
ReplyDeleteI'd like to have ravens, it's black-purplish feather resembles elegance, n some of my bird-lover friends said that there are some ravens for sale in town.
An octopus also intrigued me, because of its sense of motherhood. Do you know that a mother octopus would die starving for her kids?
A kitsune - or we can say, fox, is also an interesting animal, despite of its Japanese myth about a woman who is actually a fox in love with human. kinda scary but it's deadly romantic :)
For real, I want to have cats again! and dogs, and ducks, and...umm.. well, I love animals :D in the end I'll just decided not to have any pets n leave these animal free :)
i love butterfly and dragonfly..cause these two cuties always stopping by at my home in the morning..:)
ReplyDeleteso proud of you mba lia..:)
ohalo mbak lia, salam kenal ya dari sini (▰˘◡˘▰)
ReplyDeleteI love ducks because when they walked together, they could making a tidy-straight formation, it's wonderful. And if they were used such as a craft, they're look so cute and beatiful (✿◠‿◠)
thanks for this chance,
salam kenal,mbak lia,, pertama kali ikut GA di sini,, hehehe,,
ReplyDeletemau dong bukunya,,
saya sebenernya gak punya hewan spesifik,, cuman seneng macan karna sesuai shio,, seneng kura-kura, karna julukan si pacar,, suka ikan, kupu-kupu, karna bagus kalo digambar untuk motif ehehehe,,,
makasii,, :)
sari -
ikutan giveway mb lia lagi:p
ReplyDeleteaku suka sama naga air kalo tahun 2012.haha.soalnya suami dari awal bilang kita nikahnya pas taun naga air, semoga anaknya lair di tahun naga air juga..jadi entah kenapa pas mb lia bilang hewan favorit tahun 2012 apa, yang terlintas pertama itu naga air:p
Saya suka turtle.. Punya selusin drmh hehe..
salam kenal mbak lia :)
ReplyDeletei'm in yaaa,
taun ini, aku pengen punya kura-kura ato kelinci, kucing juga bole, hahhaha .
imut banget sih, lucu, bulunya juga lembut ,
asalkan nurut aja aku seneng
makasih mbak,
2012 suka binatang apa?
ReplyDeleteKarena kalimat ini saya jadi mencarinya hehehe.. saya pilih anjing-Basset Hounds karena sdh lama saya punya bonekanya dan sedang memasangnya di picture profile fb, juga barusan baca sebuah kisah romantis ttg & dgn gambar anjing jenis ini :)
hai mba Lia, salam kenal^^
ReplyDeleteikutan GA-nya yaaah, and congrats for the book!
2012 aku (teteup) suka russian dwarf hamsters (beberapa sudah kuadopsi di rumah untuk temannya anak-anak, bagus untuk mengajari mereka tanggung jawab dan kepedulian atas makhluk hidup/alam sekitar) :D
Nuning/Mad Crafter
aku ikutaaaan ;)
ReplyDeleteaku suka banget sama Panda, soalnya hewan ini unpredictable, meskipun cute banget kalo kita lihat, ternyata si Panda galak banget kalo merasa terancam . Tapi overall kalo ngelihat mukanya baby panda yang so cute banget itu, langsung senyum senyum sendiri
*wish me luck* email => lemon.thelabel[at]gmail[dot]com
Aaaaakk! aku pecinta anjing. dan memiliki seekor anjing border terrier betina. kalau lagi jalan2 trus lihat anjing dijalan, pasti pengen dibawa pulang. dan merasa bersalah kalau ga dibawa pulang. pastinya selalu ngerasa salah sih, karena ga boleh nambah lagi :((
ReplyDeleteanjingku namanya Neneng! Pintar menggoda dan merajuk :p
salam kenal kak Lia!
ReplyDeletedi tahun 2012 saya suka sama tarsius. Selain kecil dan lucu, tarsius juga termasuk hewan yang setia hingga akhir sama pasangannya. so sweeeet! hihihi
aku.. suka banget sama.. kucing.
ReplyDeletetapi juga takut banget sama kucing.
suka? kenapa? takut? karena kucing itu sering membawa penyakit sama cakarnya nggak nahan.
suka? karena kalau lihat ekspresi kucing pada saat di foto, mereka bener-bener jujur, apa adanya, perasaan takut, sedih, senang mereka ungkapkan dengan ekspresi yang mereka inginni.
they weren't acting. actually, they are cool but ..
aaah keren banget! saya pembaca setia n follower blog mba Lia, salam kenal ya. Mba Lia menginspirasi saya untuk melakukan banyak hal crafting. Terimakasih :)
ReplyDeleteaku suka bangettt sama racoon! waktu kecil, pernah dapet oleh2 boneka racoon dari Jepang. Saat kecil aku tu ga punya mainan, ada juga karena lungsuran dari kakak-kakak. Jadi berkesan banget, bukan karena itu hadiah dr luar negeri.
Sampe buluk bonekanya, dan masih ada sampe sekarang di rumah Mama. Pas banget beberapa hari kemaren tu aku lihat racoon di TV, tepatnya anak racoon. Ya ampuuun, lucu banget! :) pengen banget bikin bonekanya by my own hand :)
dia ni sebenernya hewan liar, tapi waktu itu aku liat di tipi, dia itu baik juga kok. Dan sebenernya unik banget tu racoon, karena campuran dari panda n rubah, lucu yah! hihi gemes gemes gemessss
Loveeee this book. I'm in mbak...^^
ReplyDeletefor 2012 i will say i love peacock...cause their so ellegant with their colorfull n awesome feather
Great book!!!
ReplyDeletefor 2012, i still a crab lover. Since, i am a cancer women which it's symbol is crab, i thought some of the crab philosophies in me. For example, if i want or have something, i will hold them tight. And since i have so many resolution in 2012, i will keep focus very tightly on it. And, it's what i called, the crab's style :)
Jujur syifa termasuk orang yg kurang gemar membaca,tapi klo liat buku ygg membuat tertarik naaahh kena deh kemalasan membaca itu menjadi semangat mau tau ap isi buku tersebut terutama Craft book yg membuat minat syifa u/ membaca dan melihat2nya :),,klo ditanya lg suka binatang apa syifa cm mw bilang dari dlu suka binatang kucing karena selain lucu kucing jg bisa nemenin saat kita sendiriran bisa diajak becanda buat dijailin tapi sayang sekarang kucing d rumah syifa udh pd gda ya ntah mati atau pd kabur2an yaa namanya jg kucing kampung hehehe ^_^ sekianlah koment syifa :)
ReplyDeletemy email :
waah,, great book! I also have a big interesting for crafting.
ReplyDeletefavorite animal for 2012? Well,, animal is too cute to pick just one of them. But, if I may choose, maybe I pick Owl. Since have a blog, I often see owl from tumblr and I can't deny to not love it. It's really cute to be a craft object. And it's way cuter than the real owl. and it's cartoon on *** TV is so LOL. hahaa.. :D
Ikutan giveaway nya ya mba, semoga saya bisa dpt bukunya. Saya suka dengan ikan karena banyak jenis, bentuk dan warnanya yg cantik2. Makanya saya suka lihat acara Dunia Air di Trans 7 yg membahas semua yg berhubungan dunia air terutama ikan.
ReplyDeleteEmail :
Yulia Wahyuningsih
I like tigers, especially white tigers. They are cute animal, actually. Do you know how much I wanna hold them tight?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the book! As far as animals go, I've seen a whale plush pattern floating around the internet that I really want to make! I guess nautical plush are very in right now lol.
ReplyDeleteein wunderschönes Buch, ich bin Patchworkbücher-Sammler und ich liebe Katzen!
ReplyDeleteHerzlichen Glückwunsch zu dem gelungenen Buch.
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Bee Craft Inspirations, under the Page 4 post on Aug. 11, 2012. Thanks again.